


Connecticut 8/19 Emergency Declaration due to Flooding


Florida 8/1 Emergency Declaration in Advance of Tropical Storm Debby for Certain Counties


Iowa 8/1 Emergency Declaration for Certain Counties due to Severe Weather through 8/31


Louisiana 9/9 Emergency Declaration due to Tropical Storm Francine through 9/18 (includes price gouging prohibition)


FMCSA 7/3 Extension of Emergency Declaration due to Key Bridge Collapse through 7/15

Maryland 3/26 Emergency Declaration due to Key Bridge Collapse


Mississippi 9/10 HOS Waiver through 9/24 due to Tropical Storm Francine

New Mexico

New Mexico 6/18 Emergency Declaration for Certain Counties due to Wildfires

New York

New York 8/19 Extension of 7/16 Emergency Declaration through 9/14

New York 8/9 Emergency Declaration due to Tropical Storm Debby

New York 7/16 Emergency Declaration due to Severe Storms through 8/15

North Carolina

North Carolina 8/5 Emergency Declaration and Transportation Waivers in Response to Tropical Storm Debby through 9/5 (Transportation waivers through 8/19)


Ohio 8/10 Emergency Declaration for Certain Counties due to Severe Weather through 11/10


Oklahoma Emergency Declaration for Certain Counties due to Severe Weather (includes price gouging prohibition)


Oregon 7/15 Emergency Declaration due to Wildfires

FMCSA 7/24 Extension of Oregon Emergency Declaration through 8/26


Pennsylvania Emergency Proclamation for Certain Counties due to Tropical Storm Debby

South Dakota

FMCSA 7/8 Extension of South Dakota Emergency Declaration through 8/8

South Dakota 6/22 Emergency Declaration due to Flooding through 7/22


Texas 8/27 Renewal of Emergency Declaration for Certain Counties due to Severe Weather and Flooding

Texas 7/6 Emergency Declaration Adding 81 Counties due to Hurricane Beryl

Texas 7/5 Emergency Declaration for Certain Counties due to Hurricane Beryl

Texas 6/19 Emergency Declaration for Certain Counties due to Tropical Storm Alberto


Vermont 7/10 Emergency Declaration due to Flooding


Virginia Emergency Declaration in Response to Tropical Storm Debby through 9/6

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SIGMA: America’s Leading Fuel Marketers is the national trade association representing fuel marketers & convenience store chain retailers in the United States & Canada.

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A member of the SIGMA staff will reply as soon as possible.